The six-header
component is designed to be used within the header
slot of the six-root
Compose your header using six-header-item
and six-header-dropdown-item
Note: Ensure that the custom
property is set, until deprecated properties are phased out.
While the SIX logo must always appear, all other elements are optional. If additional elements are added, follow this order:
- Hamburger Menu
- SIX Logo
- Custom Items
- (--- Right-aligned elements start here ---)
- Search Icon
- Notifications
- App Switcher
- Profile
Simple Example
Use six-header-item
to add items. To align elements to the right, simply apply the style margin-left: auto
. For dropdown menus, use six-header-dropdown-item
. The dropdown item will be marked as active (with a black bottom border) when open.
<six-header slot="header" custom>
<six-icon-button href="https://six-group.github.io/six-webcomponents/">
<six-header-dropdown-item style="margin-left: auto">
<six-icon-button slot="trigger">
<six-avatar image="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1529778873920-4da4926a72c2?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&auto=format&fit=crop&w=300&q=80"
Full Example
Items in six-header
reside within a flex container. Use flex properties to adjust the width of custom elements. For instance, applying flex: 1 0 0
will allow an element to fill the remaining space.
<six-header slot="header" custom>
<six-icon-button name="menu"></six-icon-button>
<six-icon-button href="https://six-group.github.io/six-webcomponents/">
<six-header-item style="flex: 1 0 0">
<six-select value="option-1" style="width: 100%">
<six-menu-item value="option-1">Option 1</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item value="option-2">Option 2</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item value="option-3">Option 3</six-menu-item>
<six-header-item id="search-header-item">
<six-icon-button name="search"></six-icon-button>
<six-icon-button name="notifications_none">
<six-badge type="danger" pill>2</six-badge>
<six-header-menu-button slot="trigger" icon="apps">Custody</six-header-menu-button>
<six-menu-item checked>Custody</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Swiss Interbank Clearing</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Tri-Party Agent</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Financial Information</six-menu-item>
<six-icon-button slot="trigger">
<six-avatar image="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1529778873920-4da4926a72c2?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&auto=format&fit=crop&w=300&q=80"
<six-menu-item><b>Cat Kittens</b><br>cat.kitty.kittens@themCatsBeCool.com</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Change password</six-menu-item>
<six-search-field slot="search-field" placeholder="Search for some 'a' ..." clearable>
<div id="search-results">Some results</div>
<script type="module">
const header = document.querySelector('six-header');
const searchHeaderItem = document.querySelector('#search-header-item');
const searchIcon = searchHeaderItem.querySelector('six-icon-button');
searchIcon.addEventListener('click', () => {
header.openSearch = !header.openSearch;
searchHeaderItem.active = header.openSearch;
header.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (!searchHeaderItem.contains(event.target)) {
header.openSearch = false;
searchHeaderItem.active = false;
Example using slots (Deprecated)
<six-header show-search slot="header" shift-content>
<six-search-field slot="search-field" placeholder="Search for some 'a' ..." clearable>
<div id="search-results"></div>
<six-icon-button slot="notifications" name="notifications_none">
<six-badge type="danger" pill>99</six-badge>
<six-menu slot="app-switcher-menu">
<six-menu-item checked>Custody</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Swiss Interbank Clearing</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Tri-Party Agent</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Financial Information</six-menu-item>
<six-menu slot="profile-menu">
<six-menu-item><b>Cat Kittens</b><br>cat.kitty.kittens@themCatsBeCool.com</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item>Change password</six-menu-item>
<six-menu-item id="logout">Logout</six-menu-item>
<six-avatar image="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1529778873920-4da4926a72c2?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&auto=format&fit=crop&w=300&q=80"
<six-icon-button name="shopping_cart" ></six-icon-button>
<six-dialog label="Dialog" class="dialog-overview">
<six-button slot="footer" type="primary">Close</six-button>
section[slot='main'] six-card {
width: 100%;
six-search-field div article {
background-color: var(--six-color-white);
padding: 0.6rem;
<script type="module">
const el = Object.entries({
header: 'six-header',
dialog: 'six-dialog',
dialogClose: 'six-dialog six-button',
search: 'six-search-field',
searchResults: 'six-search-field div',
notifications: '[slot="notifications"]',
notificationsBadge: 'six-badge',
logout: '#logout',
}).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => ({ ...acc, [k]: document.querySelector(v) }), {});
// logging
const log = (event) => {
if (event.detail?.selectedLabel?.trim() === 'Language') {
el.dialog.label = event.type;
el.dialog.querySelector('pre').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail, null, 2);
el.header.addEventListener('six-header-hamburger-menu-clicked', log);
el.header.addEventListener('six-header-app-name-clicked', log);
el.header.addEventListener('six-header-app-switcher-select', log);
el.header.addEventListener('six-header-profile-select', log);
el.notifications.addEventListener('click', log);
// close dialog
el.dialogClose.addEventListener('click', () => el.dialog.hide());
// search
el.search.addEventListener('six-search-field-change', ({ detail }) => {
const term = detail.value;
getResults(term).then((results) => {
el.searchResults.innerHTML = results
.map((result) => {
const highlighted = result.replaceAll(term, `<b>${term}</b>`);
return `<article>${highlighted} <six-button type="link">...</six-button></article>`;
const text =
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eligendi eveniet labore nemo nihil quae soluta sunt temporibus vitae voluptas voluptatem? Amet eius eveniet libero, minus odio officia pariatur provident tenetur.';
const getResults = (value) => {
const MAX_ITEMS = 3;
const TIMEOUT = 1000;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const results = value
? text
.split([', '])
.filter((item) => item.includes(value.trim()))
.slice(0, MAX_ITEMS)
: [];
setTimeout(() => resolve(results), TIMEOUT);
// logout
el.logout.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
// notifications
let count = 99;
const updateNotifications = () =>
setTimeout(() => {
const delta = getRandomInt(-9, 9);
count += count + delta >= 0 && count + delta <= 99 ? delta : 0;
el.notificationsBadge.innerText = count;
}, getRandomInt(300, 3000));
// MDN
const getRandomInt = (min, max) => {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
Choose Logo (Deprecated)
You can choose between the SIX or the BME logo with logo="six"
or logo="bme"
<six-header logo="bme" show-search slot="header" shift-content></six-header>
<section slot="main"></section>
Custom Logo (Deprecated)
In case you don't want to use the predefined logos, you have the functionality to replace the Logo with slot="logo"
<six-header show-search slot="header" shift-content>
<img slot="logo"
<section slot="main"></section>
.custom-logo {
overflow: visible;
height: 20px;
Set Search Open status (Deprecated)
You can enforce the search bar to be open or closed by setting the open-search
<six-button id="search-toggle-attribute-btn">Toggle Search via Attribute</six-button>
<six-button id="search-toggle-method-btn">Toggle Search via Method</six-button>
<six-header show-search slot="header" shift-content open-search="true" id="search-toggle-header">
<six-search-field slot="search-field" placeholder="Search for something" clearable>
<script type="module">
const header = document.getElementById('search-toggle-header');
const toggleAttributeBtn = document.getElementById('search-toggle-attribute-btn');
toggleAttributeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
const currentValue = header.attributes['open-search'].value === 'true';
header.setAttribute('open-search', String(!currentValue));
const toggleMethodBtn = document.getElementById('search-toggle-method-btn');
toggleMethodBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const openState = await header.getIsSearchOpen();
await header.setSearchOpenState(!openState);
Execute callback on logo clicked (Deprecated)
In case you want to e.g. navigate to the dashboard when the header logo is clicked simply listen to the six-header-logo-clicked
event and set the clickable-logo
<six-header show-search slot="header" shift-content id="clickableLogoHeader" clickable-logo> </six-header>
<section slot="main"></section>
<script type="module">
const header = document.getElementById('clickableLogoHeader');
header.addEventListener('six-header-logo-clicked', () => {
alert('logo clicked');
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
clickableLogo | clickable-logo | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property with six-logo insteadSet whether the logo should be clickable | boolean | false |
custom | custom | Set custom to true for complete control over the header content. When enabled, all other properties and slots are ignored. Use six-header-item , six-header-dropdown-item and six-header-menu-button to structure the content. | boolean | false |
hideHamburgerMenu | hide-hamburger-menu | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property insteadSet whether the hamburger menu should be visible or not | boolean | false |
logo | logo | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property with six-logo insteadThe displayed logo. Either six or bme. Defaults to six. | "bme" | "six" | 'six' |
openHamburgerMenu | open-hamburger-menu | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property insteadSet the hamburger menu icon to open or closed state | boolean | false |
openSearch | open-search | Set the header search to be in an open or closed state. If custom is true , focuses the first six-input found in the search slot. | boolean | false |
shiftContent | shift-content | Indicates if content should be shifted down when search field is visible. | boolean | false |
Event | Description | Type |
six-header-app-name-clicked | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property with six-header-dropdown-item and six-header-menu-button insteadEmitted when the name of the selected app is clicked. | CustomEvent<undefined> |
six-header-app-switcher-select | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property with six-header-dropdown-item and six-header-menu-button insteadEmitted when a menu item is in the app switcher menu is selected. | CustomEvent<SixHeaderAppSwitcherSelectPayload> |
six-header-hamburger-menu-clicked | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property insteadEmitted when the hamburger menu is clicked. | CustomEvent<undefined> |
six-header-logo-clicked | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property insteadEmitted when the header logo is clicked. | CustomEvent<undefined> |
six-header-profile-select | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property with six-header-dropdown-item and six-avatar insteadEmitted when a menu item is in the profile menu is selected. | CustomEvent<SixHeaderProfileSelectPayload> |
six-header-search-field-toggle | [DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom property insteadEmitted when search field is toggled. | CustomEvent<SixHeaderSearchFieldToggle> |
getIsSearchOpen() => Promise<boolean>
[DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom
property instead
Get open state for search
Type: Promise<boolean>
setSearchOpenState(openState: boolean) => Promise<void>
[DEPRECATED] Use six-header custom
property instead
Sets open state for search
Name | Type | Description |
openState | boolean |
Type: Promise<void>
Slot | Description |
Used to define a custom component that is included in the header. | |
"app-switcher-menu" | [Deprecated], use six-header custom property instead. Used to define the application switcher menu in the header. |
"notifications" | [Deprecated], use six-header custom property instead. Used to define the notification component in the header. |
"profile-avatar" | [Deprecated], use six-header custom property instead. Used to define the avator in the header. |
"profile-menu" | [Deprecated], use six-header custom property instead. Used to define the profile menu in the header. |
"search-field" | Used to define the search field component in the header. |
Shadow Parts
Part | Description |
"header" |
Depends on
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