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Inputs collect data from the user.


basic input field

<six-input dropdown-search></six-input>


Use the placeholder attribute to add a placeholder.

<six-input placeholder="Type something"></six-input>


Add the clearable prop to add a clear button when the input has content.

<six-input placeholder="Clearable" size="small" clearable></six-input>
<six-input placeholder="Clearable" size="medium" clearable></six-input>
<six-input placeholder="Clearable" size="large" clearable></six-input>

Toggle Password

Add the toggle-password prop to add a toggle button that will show the password when activated.

<six-input type="password" placeholder="Password Toggle" size="small" toggle-password></six-input>
<six-input type="password" placeholder="Password Toggle" size="medium" toggle-password></six-input>
<six-input type="password" placeholder="Password Toggle" size="large" toggle-password></six-input>


By default when using type number it allows you to only use integers

<six-input type="number" placeholder="Integers..."></six-input>

However, you might want to be able to use decimal numbers, in this case simply define a pattern and a step:

<six-input type="number" placeholder="Decimal Numbers..." pattern="[0-9]+([\.,][0-9]+)?" step="0.1"></six-input>


Use the line prop to render inputs line style.

<six-input line></six-input>


Use the pill prop to give inputs rounded edges.

<six-input placeholder="Small" size="small" pill></six-input>
<six-input placeholder="Medium" size="medium" pill></six-input>
<six-input placeholder="Large" size="large" pill></six-input>


Use the disabled attribute to disable an input.

<six-input placeholder="Write here your first name" size="small" label="Name" help-text="Help text" disabled>
<six-input placeholder="Write here your first name" size="medium" label="Name" help-text="Help text" disabled>
<six-input placeholder="Write here your first name" size="large" label="Name" help-text="Help text" disabled>


Use the size attribute to change an input's size.

<six-input placeholder="Small" size="small"></six-input>
<six-input placeholder="Medium" size="medium"></six-input>
<six-input placeholder="Large" size="large"></six-input>

Prefix & Suffix Icons

Use the prefix and suffix slots to add icons.

<six-input placeholder="Small" size="small">
  <six-icon slot="prefix" size="xSmall">local_offer</six-icon>
  <six-icon slot="suffix" size="xSmall">settings</six-icon>
<six-input placeholder="Medium" size="medium">
  <six-icon slot="prefix" size="small">local_offer</six-icon>
  <six-icon slot="suffix" size="small">settings</six-icon>
<six-input placeholder="Large" size="large">
  <six-icon slot="prefix" size="medium">local_offer</six-icon>
  <six-icon slot="suffix" size="medium">settings</six-icon>


Use the label attribute to give the input an accessible label. For labels that contain HTML, use the label slot instead.

What is your name?
<six-input label="What is your name?"></six-input>
<six-input           ><div slot="label">What is <span style="color: red">your</span> name?</div></six-input>

Help Text

Add descriptive help text to an input with the help-text attribute. For help texts that contain HTML, use the help-text slot instead.

<six-input label="Name" help-text="Help text"> </six-input>

Error Text

Add a descriptive error message to an input using either the error-text prop, or the equally named slot.

warning There are two caveats when using the error-text prop/slot:

  1. Remember to set the invalid prop as well! If you only provide some content to the error-text prop/slot, it won't be shown unless the invalid prop is set to true
  2. When using the prop, and you need to show more than one message, remember to also set the error-text-count prop to a value that is the same or bigger than the length of the list of messages you are using. Otherwise only one message will be shown at a time

The error-text prop accepts either a simple string message, or a list of messages.

<six-input label="Simple string message" error-text="This is a simple string message" invalid> </six-input>
<six-input id="multiple-error-text" label="List of string message" invalid></six-input>
<script type="module">
  const sixInput = document.getElementById('multiple-error-text');
  sixInput.errorText = ['Message 1', 'Message 2'];
  sixInput.errorTextCount = 3;

When using the error-text slot, it is recommended to use the six-error component to wrap the error message(s). This will provide the correct styling out of the box

An error message with a link
<six-input invalid>
  <div slot="error-text">
    <six-error               >An error message
      <a href="" target="_blank">with a link</a></six-error>

Events Disclaimer

The events of our webcomponents should follow native web elements as much as possible.

This means input, change and blur should be fired the same as when using native elements: Input is fired on input, and change and blur are fired when leaving the input

six-input-input is emitted when the user enters data (not emitted on dynamic value changes)

six-input-change is emitted when the user presses enter or leaves the form after filling in data

six-input-blur is emitted when the user leaves the form

six-input-value-change is emitted whenever the value changes. This could be because the user enters data or because the value was dynamically changed

You can play with the following native and six-input elements to see that the event firing is the same

Native Input Element
Event Firing History:
    SIX Input Element
    Set Value
    Event Firing History:
      Event Firing History for six-input-value-change:
        <div style="font-size: 1rem; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 1rem">Native Input Element</div>
        <input type="text" id="native-input" name="type" >
        <div style="padding-bottom: 0.5rem">
          <div style="padding-top: 1rem">Event Firing History:</div>
          <ul id="native-events-list"></ul>
        <div style="font-size: 1rem; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 1rem">SIX Input Element</div>
        <six-input label="Events" help-text="Check what event is fired when..." id="events-input" clearable></six-input>
        <six-button style="padding-top: 0.5rem" id="event-setting-btn">Set Value</six-button>
        <div style="padding-bottom: 0.5rem">
          <div style="padding-top: 1rem">Event Firing History:</div>
          <ul id="events-list"></ul>
        <div style="padding-bottom: 0.5rem">
          <div style="padding-top: 1rem">Event Firing History for six-input-value-change:</div>
          <ul id="events-list-value-change"></ul>
        <script type="module">
          const nativeInput = document.getElementById('native-input');
          const inputEl = document.getElementById('events-input');
          const eventList = document.getElementById('events-list');
          const eventListValueChange = document.getElementById('events-list-value-change');
          const nativeEventList = document.getElementById('native-events-list');
          const eventSettingBtn = document.getElementById('event-setting-btn');
          const logEvent = (eventName, el, color) => (event) => {
            const value =;
            el.innerHTML = `${el.innerHTML}<li><span style="font-weight: bold; color: ${color};">${eventName}:</span> ${value}</li>`;
          inputEl.addEventListener('six-input-input', logEvent('input', eventList, 'blue'));
          inputEl.addEventListener('six-input-change', logEvent('change', eventList, 'red'));
          inputEl.addEventListener('six-input-blur', logEvent('blur', eventList, 'green'));
          inputEl.addEventListener('six-input-value-change', logEvent('value-change', eventListValueChange));
          nativeInput.addEventListener('input', logEvent('input', nativeEventList, 'blue'));
          nativeInput.addEventListener('change', logEvent('change', nativeEventList, 'red'));
          nativeInput.addEventListener('blur', logEvent('blur', nativeEventList, 'green'));
          eventSettingBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
            const someString = 'dynamically set value';
            inputEl.value = someString;
            nativeInput.value = someString;


        autocapitalizeautocapitalizeThe input's autocaptialize attribute.string'off'
        autocompleteautocompleteThe input's autocomplete attribute.string'off'
        autocorrectautocorrectThe input's autocorrect attribute."off" | "on"'off'
        autofocusautofocusThe input's autofocus attribute.booleanfalse
        clearableclearableSet to true to add a clear button when the input is populated.booleanfalse
        disableddisabledSet to true to disable the input.booleanfalse
        dropdownSearchdropdown-searchInternal: Styles the input for the dropdown filter search.booleanfalse
        errorTexterror-textThe error message shown, if invalid is set to true.string | string[]''
        errorTextCounterror-text-countThe number of error texts to be shown (if the error-text slot isn't used). Defaults to 1number | undefinedundefined
        helpTexthelp-textThe input's help text. Alternatively, you can use the help-text slot.string''
        inputmodeinputmodeThe input's inputmode attribute."decimal" | "email" | "none" | "numeric" | "search" | "tel" | "text" | "url" | undefinedundefined
        invalidinvalidIf this property is set to true and an error message is provided by errorText, the error message is displayed.booleanfalse
        labellabelThe label text.string''
        linelineSet to render as linebooleanfalse
        maxmaxThe input's maximum value.number | undefinedundefined
        maxlengthmaxlengthThe maximum length of input that will be considered valid.number | undefinedundefined
        minminThe input's minimum value.number | undefinedundefined
        minlengthminlengthThe minimum length of input that will be considered valid.number | undefinedundefined
        namenameThe input's name attribute.string''
        patternpatternA pattern to validate input against.string | undefinedundefined
        pillpillSet to true to draw a pill-style input with rounded edges.booleanfalse
        placeholderplaceholderThe input's placeholder text.string | undefinedundefined
        readonlyreadonlySet to true to make the input readonly.booleanfalse
        requiredrequiredSet to true to show an asterisk beneath the label.booleanfalse
        sizesizeThe input's size."large" | "medium" | "small"'medium'
        spellcheckspellcheckEnables spell checking on the input.booleanfalse
        stepstepThe input's step attribute.number | undefinedundefined
        togglePasswordtoggle-passwordSet to true to add a password toggle button for password inputs.booleanfalse
        typetypeThe input's type."email" | "number" | "password" | "search" | "tel" | "text" | "url"'text'
        valuevalueThe input's value attribute.string''


        six-input-blurEmitted when the control loses focus. Access the new value via<undefined>
        six-input-changeEmitted when the control's value changes. Access the new value via<undefined>
        six-input-clearEmitted when the clear button is activated.CustomEvent<undefined>
        six-input-focusEmitted when the control gains focus.CustomEvent<undefined>
        six-input-inputEmitted when the control receives input. Access the new value via<undefined>


        getSelectionRange() => Promise<SelectionRange>

        Returns the start and end positions of the text selection


        Type: Promise<SelectionRange>

        removeFocus() => Promise<void>

        Removes focus from the input.


        Type: Promise<void>

        select() => Promise<void | undefined>

        Selects all the text in the input.


        Type: Promise<void | undefined>

        setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>

        Sets focus on the input.


        optionsFocusOptions | undefined


        Type: Promise<void>

        setRangeText(replacement: string, start: number, end: number, selectMode?: "select" | "start" | "end" | "preserve") => Promise<void>

        Replaces a range of text with a new string.


        selectMode"select" | "start" | "end" | "preserve"


        Type: Promise<void>

        setSelectionRange(selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: SelectionRangeDirection) => Promise<void | undefined>

        Sets the start and end positions of the text selection (0-based).


        selectionDirection"none" | "forward" | "backward"


        Type: Promise<void | undefined>


        "clear-icon"An icon to use in lieu of the default clear icon.
        "error-text"Error text that is shown when the status is set to invalid. Alternatively, you can use the error-text prop.
        "help-text"Help text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the help-text prop.
        "hide-password-icon"An icon to use in lieu of the default hide password icon.
        "label"The input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label prop.
        "prefix"Used to prepend an icon or similar element to the input.
        "show-password-icon"An icon to use in lieu of the default show password icon.
        "suffix"Used to append an icon or similar element to the input.

        Shadow Parts

        "base"The component's base wrapper.
        "clear-button"The clear button.
        "error-text"The input error text.
        "form-control"The form control that wraps the label, input, error-text and help-text.
        "help-text"The input help text.
        "input"The input control.
        "label"The input label.
        "password-toggle-button"The password toggle button.
        "prefix"The input prefix container.
        "suffix"The input suffix container.


        Used by

        Depends on


        Copyright © 2021-present SIX-Group