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Simple Time Picker

The six-timepicker can be used to select the time.

By default the time will be displayed as HH:mm:ss and you can either directly modify the time in the input field, or via the picker component in the popup

  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Time Formats

You can choose one of the valid formats to define what options should be displayed (default is HH:mm:ss):

<div class="format-example">
  <six-timepicker format="HH:mm:ss" placeholder="HH:mm:ss"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="hh:mm:ss:aa" placeholder="hh:mm:ss:aa"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="HH:mm:ss:ms" placeholder="HH:mm:ss:ms"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="hh:mm:ss:ms:aa" placeholder="hh:mm:ss:ms:aa"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="HH:mm" placeholder="HH:mm"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="hh:mm:aa" placeholder="hh:mm:aa"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="HH" placeholder="HH"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="hh:aa" placeholder="hh:aa"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="mm" placeholder="mm"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="ss" placeholder="ss"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker format="ms" placeholder="ms"></six-timepicker>
  .format-example {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

  .format-example > * {
    margin-right: 1.5rem;
    margin-bottom: 1.5rem;

  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Setting the value

If you don't set a custom value the default value for the timepicker will be the current time.

<div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap">
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="HH:mm:ss" value="13:32:35"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="hh:mm:ss:aa" value="11:59:35:AM"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="HH:mm:ss:ms" value="23:11:53:999"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="hh:mm:ss:ms:aa" value="05:32:35:273:AM"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="HH:mm" value="22:13"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="hh:mm:aa" value="10:53:PM"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="HH" value="05"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="hh:aa" value="08:AM"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="mm" value="59"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="ss" value="11"></six-timepicker>
  <six-card class="time-format-item">
    <six-timepicker format="ms" value="254"></six-timepicker>
    .time-format-item {
      width: 15rem;
      text-align: center;
      padding: 1rem 0.5rem;
      display: flex;
      flex-wrap: wrap;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      margin: 0.75rem;

    .time-format-item > *:first-child {
      width: 15rem;
      font-weight: bold;
      margin-bottom: 0.5rem;

    six-timepicker {
      max-width: 15rem;

Different Separator

You can define a different separator by adding the separator attribute

However, please note that the time string you provide must always have a colon ("😊 and cannot have a different separator

<six-timepicker separator="-"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Timeout & Interval

If you keep a navigation button pressed, the items will switch faster. By default the timeout is set to 300ms and the interval is set to 35ms.

Feel free to adjust these numbers to your need:

<six-timepicker timeout="500" interval="150"></six-timepicker>
<six-timepicker timeout="0" interval="1"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;


You can define the timepickers placeholder via placeholder

<six-timepicker placeholder="HH:mm:ss"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Readonly State

If you want to force the user to use the popup instead of manually enter a time, you can simply add the readonly property

<six-timepicker readonly></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Disabled State

To disable the timepicker i.e. nothing will happen when clicking the input field, simply add the disabled property

<six-timepicker disabled></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;


Add the clearable property to add a clear button when the input has content.

<six-timepicker clearable></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;


Use the size attribute to change the timepicker size.

<six-timepicker size="small" clearable></six-timepicker>
<six-timepicker size="medium" clearable></six-timepicker>
<six-timepicker size="large" clearable></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Inline State

If you wish you can have the timepicker as an inline component i.e. the popup will always be open

<six-timepicker inline="true"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;


By default the timepicker will render either below or above the input field depending on the available space.

If you want to enforce a certain placement you can use the placement attribute

<six-timepicker placement="bottom"></six-timepicker>
<six-timepicker placement="top"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Icon position

Could be adjusted providing icon-position property.

<six-timepicker icon-position="right"></six-timepicker>
<six-timepicker icon-position="right" clearable></six-timepicker>
<six-timepicker icon-position="right" custom-icon clearable>
  <img             style="height: 24px"
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Custom icon

The slot custom-icon is used to provide a custom timepicker icon.

<six-timepicker custom-icon>
  <img             style="height: 24px"
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;


Dropdown panels will be clipped if they're inside a container that has overflow: auto|hidden. The hoist attribute forces the panel to use a fixed positioning strategy, allowing it to break out of the container. In this case, the panel will be positioned relative to its containing block, which is usually the viewport unless an ancestor uses a transform, perspective, or filter.

<div style="overflow: hidden; border: solid 1px grey; padding: 0.5em; display: flex">
  <six-timepicker placement="bottom" placeholder="no hoisting"></six-timepicker>
  <six-timepicker hoist placement="bottom" placeholder="with hoisting"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Custom Default Time

You can define a custom default time which will be shown on first appearance of the popup

<six-timepicker default-time="23:00:00"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Dynamic changes

The timepicker value can be changed dynamically by setting the value attribute.

Selected: No Time selected yet!
<six-timepicker id="dynamic-timepicker"></six-timepicker>
<div style="margin-top: 1rem">
  <span style="font-weight: bold">Selected: </span><span id="dynamic-timepicker-selected">No Time selected yet!</span>
<div style="margin-top: 1rem">
  <six-button id="dynamic-timepicker-btn1">20:13:22</six-button>
  <six-button id="dynamic-timepicker-btn2">13:33:59</six-button>
  <six-button id="dynamic-timepicker-btn3">02:30:00</six-button>
<script type="module">
  const timepicker = document.getElementById('dynamic-timepicker');
  const selectedTime = document.getElementById('dynamic-timepicker-selected');

  const btn1 = document.getElementById('dynamic-timepicker-btn1');
  btn1.addEventListener('click', () => (timepicker.value = '20:13:22'));

  const btn2 = document.getElementById('dynamic-timepicker-btn2');
  btn2.addEventListener('click', () => (timepicker.value = '13:33:59'));

  const btn3 = document.getElementById('dynamic-timepicker-btn3');
  btn3.addEventListener('click', () => (timepicker.value = '02:30:00'));

  timepicker.addEventListener('six-timepicker-change', ({ detail }) => {
    selectedTime.innerHTML = `${detail.valueAsString}`;
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;


You can listen to the timepicker change event. The event will give you the changedProperty e.g. 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds' etc.

Additionally you get the current value of the timepicker (not only the changed property), from where you can also read the updated property e.g. value.hours. And you can get the whole time as a string e.g. 15:37:25:692

Fired Event: 
<div style="display: flex">
  <six-timepicker id="timepicker-event-example" format="HH:mm:ss:ms"></six-timepicker>
  <pre style="margin-left: 1.5rem">Fired Event: <span id="event-change-example-selected-time"></span></pre>
<script type="module">
  const timepicker = document.getElementById('timepicker-event-example');
  const changeEventTime = document.getElementById('event-change-example-selected-time');

  timepicker.addEventListener('six-timepicker-change', ({ detail }) => {
    changeEventTime.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(detail, null, 4);
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

In the following you also find an event example for the 12-hour-clock:

Fired Event: 
<div style="display: flex">
  <six-timepicker id="timepicker-event-example-12h" format="hh:mm:ss:ms:aa"></six-timepicker>
  <pre style="margin-left: 1.5rem">Fired Event: <span id="event-example-selected-time-12h"></span></pre>
<script type="module">
  const timepicker = document.getElementById('timepicker-event-example-12h');
  const selectedTime = document.getElementById('event-example-selected-time-12h');

  timepicker.addEventListener('six-timepicker-change', ({ detail }) => {
    selectedTime.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(detail, null, 4);
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

If you keep the navigation button pressed, there will be a lot of change events fired. If you don't want to listen to all of these events but want to "wait" until the user landed on their desired time, then use six-timepicker-change-debounced instead.

Fired Event: 
<div style="display: flex">
  <six-timepicker id="timepicker-event-debounced-example" format="HH:mm:ss:ms"></six-timepicker>
  <pre style="margin-left: 1.5rem">Fired Event: <span id="event-debounced-example-selected-time"></span></pre>
<script type="module">
  const timepicker = document.getElementById('timepicker-event-debounced-example');
  const selectedTime = document.getElementById('event-debounced-example-selected-time');

  timepicker.addEventListener('six-timepicker-change-debounced', ({ detail }) => {
    selectedTime.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(detail, null, 4);
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Open State

If you wish you can have the timepicker open on startup. It will close as usual (clicking outside etc.)

<six-timepicker open="true" placement="bottom"></six-timepicker>
  six-timepicker {
    max-width: 15rem;

Error Text

Add a descriptive error message using either the error-text prop, or the equally named slot.

warning There are two caveats when using the error-text prop/slot:

  1. Remember to set the invalid prop as well! If you only provide some content to the error-text prop/slot, it won't be shown unless the invalid prop is set to true
  2. When using the prop, and you need to show more than one message, remember to also set the error-text-count prop to a value that is the same or bigger than the length of the list of messages you are using. Otherwise only one message will be shown at a time

The error-text prop accepts either a simple string message, or a list of messages.

<six-timepicker label="Simple string message" error-text="This is a simple string message" invalid>
<six-timepicker id="multiple-error-text" label="List of string message" invalid></six-timepicker>
<script type="module">
  const sixTimepicker = document.getElementById('multiple-error-text');
  sixTimepicker.errorText = ['Message 1', 'Message 2'];
  sixTimepicker.errorTextCount = 3;

When using the error-text slot, it is recommended to use the six-error component to wrap the error message(s). This will provide the correct styling out of the box

An error message with a link
<six-timepicker invalid>
  <div slot="error-text">
    <six-error               >An error message
      <a href="" target="_blank">with a link</a></six-error>


clearableclearableSet to true to add a clear button when the input is populated.booleanfalse
debouncedebounceSet the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait to trigger the six-timepicker-change-debounced event. If you want your change debounce event to not trigger when keeping the nav button pressed before, make sure debounce is a bit bigger than timeout, otherwise keeping the button pressed will trigger the event twice: once you click (and keep pressed) and once you releasenumberDEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_FAST
defaultTimedefault-timeThe defaultTime defines the default setting for the timepicker when you open the popup. Default time must match the provided format.string | undefinedundefined
disableddisabledIf true the component is disabled.booleanfalse
errorTexterror-textThe input's error text. Alternatively, you can use the error-text slot.string | string[]''
errorTextCounterror-text-countThe number of error texts to be shown (if the error-text slot isn't used). Defaults to 1number | undefinedundefined
formatformatDefine the time format. Valid formats are: HH:mm:ss hh:mm:ss:aa HH:mm:ss:ms hh:mm:ss:ms:aa HH:mm hh:mm:aa HH hh:aa mm ss ms where HH is the 24 hour format and hh is the 12 hour format Please notice that when using the 12-hour-clock (hh) you always need a period indicator (aa). So the time can be parsed as either am or pm"HH" | "HH:mm" | "HH:mm:ss" | "HH:mm:ss:ms" | "hh:aa" | "hh:mm:aa" | "hh:mm:ss:aa" | "hh:mm:ss:ms:aa" | "mm" | "ms" | "ss"'HH:mm:ss'
hoisthoistEnable this option to prevent the panel from being clipped when the component is placed inside a container with overflow: auto|scroll.booleanfalse
iconPositionicon-positionSet the position of the icon"left" | "right"'left'
inlineinlineIndicates whether the timepicker should be shown as an inline (always open) componentbooleanfalse
intervalintervalSet the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait between switching to next timeunit (e.g. next hour) when mouse button is held pressed.numberDEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_INSANELY_FAST
invalidinvalidIf this property is set to true and an error message is provided by errorText, the error message is displayed.booleanfalse
labellabelThe input's label. Alternatively, you can use the label slot.string''
namenameThe input's name attribute.string''
openopenIndicates whether the timepicker dropdown is open on startup. You can use this in lieu of the show/hide methods.booleanfalse
placeholderplaceholderThe placeholder defines what text to be shown on the input elementstring | undefinedundefined
placementplacementThe enforced placement of the dropdown panel."bottom" | "top" | undefinedundefined
readonlyreadonlyIf true the user can only select a time via the timepicker but not directly edit the input field.booleanfalse
requiredrequiredSet to true to show an asterisk beneath the label.booleanfalse
separatorseparatorDefine the separator to be shown between the time unit pickers. Please be aware that this property will modify the displayed separator only. The separator for a timestring is always expected to be a colon (eg. '13:52:20')string':'
sizesizeTimepicker size."large" | "medium" | "small"'medium'
timeouttimeoutSet the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait to trigger faster switching between timeunits (e.g. hours).numberDEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_FAST
valuevalueThe value of the timepicker provided as a string. The string mast match the provided format (or default format)string''


six-timepicker-changeEmitted when the timepicker's value changesCustomEvent<SixTimepickerChange>
six-timepicker-change-debouncedEmitted when the timepicker's value changes, but debouncedCustomEvent<SixTimepickerChange>
six-timepicker-clearEmitted when the clear button is activated.CustomEvent<undefined>


setFocus(options?: FocusOptions) => Promise<void>

Sets focus on the datepickers input.


optionsFocusOptions | undefined


Type: Promise<void>


"error-text"Error text that is shown for validation errors. Alternatively, you can use the error-text prop.

Shadow Parts

"container"The container of whole component
"input"The input field
"popup"The popup of the timepicker component


Used by

Depends on


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