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Atomic Design

Our Web Components library is based largely on the principles of atomic design. The key idea of this methodology is that small, independent - atomic - parts, can be combined into larger molecular structures.

Atomic Design

  1. Atoms include basic HTML elements like icons, inputs, buttons,...

  2. Molecules are simple groups of UI elements functioning together as a unit. Label, input and button can join together to create a search form molecule.

  3. Organisms are complex UI components composed of groups of molecules and/or atoms and/or other organisms. Example: header

  4. Templates are page-level objects that place components into a layout and articulate the design’s underlying content structure.

  5. Pages are specific instances of templates that show what a UI looks like with real representative content in place.

Being able to reuse basic components is a huge advantage in atomic web design. Recycling atoms saves designers time while upholding consistent habits across all website pages.